19 January 2016 – mulatto

19 January 2016


[muh-lat-oh, -lah-toh, myoo-]

noun, plural mulattoes, mulattos.

1. Anthropology. (not in technical use) the offspring of one white parent and one black parent.
2. Older Use: Often Offensive. a person who has both black and white ancestors.
3. of a light-brown color.

Origin of mulatto Expand

1585-1595; Spanish mulato ‘young mule’, equivalent to mul (o) mule1+ -ato of unclear origin


Examples from the Web for mulatto

Historical Examples

In North America a mulatto, a quadroon, even an octoroon who is only one-eighth black, counts as a negro.
South America Observations and Impressions
James Bryce

The colour is between olive, brown, and bronze,—somewhat like that of the mulatto.
The Western World
W.H.G. Kingston

Ranaway, the mulatto wench Mary—has a cut on the left arm, a scar on the shoulder, and two upper teeth missing.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
American Anti-Slavery Society


malt out

Today’s quote

The meaning of life is to find your passion, the purpose of life is to give it away.

– Pablo Picasso

On this day

19 January 1809 – birth of Edgar Allan Poe, American poet and novelist, The Raven. Died 7 October 1849.

19 January 1920 – Night of the Palmer Raids, in which more than 4,000 suspected radical leftists were arrested. Most were members of the Industrial Workers of the World union. Alexander Palmer was the United States Attorney-General. Most of those arrested were either deported or charged under the Espionage Act 1917 and the Sedition Act 1918.

19 January 1935 – birth of Johnny O’Keefe, Australian rock and roll legend. Known as J.O.K. or ‘The Wild One’. Died 6 October 1978.

19 January 1943 – birth of Janis Joplin. American singer song-writer. Died on 4 October 1970.

19 January 1966 – A UFO saucer nest is discovered near Tully, North Queensland, Australia when a banana farmer, George Pedley, claims that he saw a large, saucer-shaped object fly out of a swamp at Horseshoe Lagoon. He said the saucer was 25 feet wide and 9 feet high. Further investigation of the lagoon revealed that in a particularly reedy part, there was a large circle that was clear of reeds. The circle was 30 feet in diameter and the reeds had been flattened in a clockwise manner. Five other similar, but smaller, circles were discovered. Apart from the UFO claim, no other explanation could account for the circles. These are the first crop-circles discovered in the modern world.

This photo of the crop circle was taken by Emil Duran:


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