20 January 2016
noun, Pathology.
1. the loss of a previously held ability to speak or understand spoken or written language, due to disease or injury of the brain.
Origin of aphasia
1865-1870; Greek: speechlessness, equivalent to a- a-6+ phat (ós) spoken (derivative of phánai to speak) + -ia -ia
Examples from the Web for aphasia
Contemporary Examples
Still, she suffered from aphasia, finding it difficult to speak, read and write.
A Stroke That Hits Young Women
Nicole LaPorte
July 27, 2010
Historical Examples
aphasia, periods of excitement and mental confusion occur in some.
Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension:
Louis Marshall Warfield
You are suffering from an attack of aphasia, which has caused you to forget your identity.
Strictly Business
O. Henry
Asia hap
Today’s quote
There’s a difference between standing up and telling people what you’re planning to do and standing up and going and accomplishing something.
– Paul Stanley
On this day
20 January – Penguin Awareness Day.
20 January 1952 – birth of Stanley Harvey Esien, better known as Paul Stanley, singer and guitarist in glam rock band, Kiss.
20 January 1982 – It was the chomp heard around the world, when Ozzy Osbourne, The Prince of Darkness, bit the head off a bat while performing on stage in Des Moines, Iowa. A fan had thrown a bat on stage. Ozzy claims he thought it was rubber, but found out the hard way, that it was, in fact, a real bat. He was taken to hospital and given rabies shots. This follows on from an incident in 1981, when Ozzy bit the head off a dove after signing his first solo record deal … as you do … Word has it that Ozzy had planned to release a number of doves as a symbol of peace, but was drunk and felt one of the doves could do with a trim … which didn’t work out too well for the dove. There is no truth in the rumour that the Prince song, ‘When Doves Cry’ is about the incident. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/99999999/ENT/502270318&nclick_check=1