24 April 2015
tailor (1)
1. a person whose occupation is the making, mending, or altering of clothes, especially suits, coats, and other outer garments.
verb (used with object)
2. to make by tailor’s work.
3. to fashion or adapt to a particular taste, purpose, need, etc.:
to tailor one’s actions to those of another.
4. to fit or furnish with clothing.
5. Chiefly U.S. Military. to make (a uniform) to order; cut (a ready-made uniform) so as to cause to fit more snugly; taper.
verb (used without object)
6. to do the work of a tailor.
Origin of tailor (1)
Middle English,Anglo-French, Old French
1250-1300; Middle English (noun) < Anglo-French tailour, Old French tailleor, equivalent to taill (ier) to cut (< Late Latin tāliāre, derivative of Latin tālea a cutting, literally, heel-piece; see tally ) + -or -or2
tailor (2)
noun, British Dialect
1. a stroke of a bell indicating someone’s death; knell.
alteration by folk etymology of teller
Examples from the web for tailor
– Blues musicians frequented local hairdressers, tailor shops and clothing stores.
– Add any of the following enhancements to tailor your job ad to your unique hiring needs.
– It should be possible to tailor these so that sound waves are bent such that no echo results.
to rail
oil art
Today’s aphorism
Don’t find fault, find a remedy.
– Henry Ford
On this day
24 April 1581 – birth of St Vincent de Paul, Catholic priest, born in France, who dedicated himself to serving the poor. Died 27 September 1660.
24 April 1915 – arrest of 250 Armenian intellectuals and leaders in Istanbul, Turkey, leads to the Armenian Genocide. It is estimated that the Ottoman Empire massacred between 1 million and 1.5 million Armenians.
24 April 1933 – Hitler begins persecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses by shutting down the Watch Tower Society office in Magdeburg. Around 10,000 Witnesses were incarcerated during Hitler’s reign, with approximately 1,200 dying in custody, including 250 who were executed.