28 April 2013
noun, plural oeu·vres [œ-vruh] French.
1. the works of a writer, painter, or the like, taken as a whole.
2. any one of the works of a writer, painter, or the like.
Today’s aphorism
Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace.
– Dalai Lama
On this day
28 April 1789 – Mutiny on the ‘Bounty’. Lieutenant Bligh and 18 of his crew from the Royal Navy ship HMS Bounty, are set afloat in an open boat following a mutiny led by Christian Fletcher. After 47 days Bligh landed the boat on Timor, in the Dutch East Indies. The mutineers settled on Pitcairn Island and in Tahiti. In 1856, the British Government granted Norfolk Island to the Pitcairners because population growth had outgrown the small island.
28 April 1945 – Italians execute former dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci.
28 April 1996 – Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania, when Martin Bryant shoots 35 people dead. He is currently serving a life sentence for the murders.