Today’s WOTD – 6 October 2012
[plee-nuh-ree, plen-uh-]
adjective, plural ple·na·ries.
1. full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified: plenary powers.
2. attended by all qualified members; fully constituted: a plenary session of Congress.
3. a plenary session, meeting, or the like.
4. a book of the gospels or epistles and homilies read at the Eucharist
Today’s aphorism
‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’.
John F. Kennedy
On this day
6 October 1961 – President John F. Kennedy advises Americans to build fall-out shelters, as Cold War paranoia continues to grow.
6 October 1966 – LSD declared illegal in the United States.
6 October 1978 – death of Johnny O’Keefe, Australian rock and roll legend. Known as J.O.K. or ‘The Wild One’. Born 19 January 1935.